Dr. Dolors Armenteras
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Dolors Armenteras is a Colombian biologist with a PhD in geography from King's College London, UK. Currently Dr. Armenteras is a Full Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia where she centers her research on dynamics and drivers of deforestation and fragmentation of Colombian forests, Andes and Amazon, among others. At her lab they focus on how growing human activities affect the old-growth forests and how to preserve and manage tropical landscapes. Dr. Armenteras’ research in ecology, spatial analysis and modelling at landscape scale for biodiversity conservation has helped advance understanding of ecological processes across multiple organizational levels. This experience encompasses both, fauna and flora, and includes ecosystem structure, modelling and landscape processes. Most recently, her focus on monitoring and forecasting has led her to integrate fire ecology by examining how to manage risk reduction in a context of climate change and how understanding fire can help reduce forest degradation and conserve biodiversity. She currently serves as Vice-president of International Association of Landscape Ecology, IALE.
“The fight of the 21st century in all the Amazon countries has to do with solving local governance, implementing public policies and managing to solve the social and economic conflicts that have to do with insecurity in land tenure.”