The Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA), established on September 23, 2019, at the United Nations in New York, is the world’s first regional high-level science initiative dedicated to the Amazon.

Officially launched in July 2020 and comprising over 300 scientists, the SPA integrates Indigenous and local knowledge with Western science to develop evidence-based solutions for sustainable development.


To synthesize and communicate scientific knowledge about the Amazon, integrated with Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK), to accelerate solutions for sustainable and equitable development.


To become a global authority providing state-of-the-art, policy-relevant science and knowledge about the Amazon.

The SPA targets academia, governments, the private sector, civil society, Indigenous peoples, local communities, and the international community, providing expert-led solutions to inform decision-making and promote sustainable practices.

The SPA’s diverse solutions aim to halt deforestation, expand Protected Areas, restore ecosystems, and develop a sustainable socio-bioeconomy of healthy standing forests and flowing rivers, safeguarding the Amazon’s ecological and cultural richness for future generations.

SPA Leadership

The SPA is convened under the auspices of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Science Panel for the Amazon Convener

Professor Jeffrey Sachs

SDSN President
SPA Convener

Emma Torres, Science Panel for the Amazon Coordinator

Ms. Emma Torres

SPA Strategic Coordinator

Carlos Nobre, Science Panel for the Amazon Co-Chair

Dr. Carlos Nobre

SPA Co-Chair

Marielos Peña-Claros, Science Panel for the Amazon Co-Chair

Dr. Marielos Peña-Claros

SPA Co-Chair

Composed of global thought leaders, the Strategic Committee advises the SPA, supporting the effective communication of its findings and recommendations to ensure wide-reaching dissemination and impact.

SPA Strategic Committee

  • Mr. Achim Steiner

    Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

  • Dr. André Lara Resende

    Former President, The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

  • Dr. Angel Guevara

    President, Academy of Sciences of Ecuador

  • Dr. Avecita Chicchon

    Program Director, Andes-Amazon Initiative, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

  • Ms. Beka Munduruku

    Young Indigenous Leader, Munduruku People

  • Mrs. Christiane Torloni

    Actress, Rede Globo

  • Mr. Clarence Seedorf

    Football Legend

  • Dr. Enrique Forero

    President, Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences

  • Dr. Fernando Roca

    Member and Designated SPA Representative, National Academy of Sciences of Peru

  • Mr. Gaston Acurio

    Co-Founder, Acurio Restaurantes

  • Mr. Guilherme Leal

    Co-Founder, Natura

  • Mr. Gustavo Dudamel

    Music and Artistic Director, Los Angeles Philharmonic

  • Dr. Helena B. Nader

    Brazilian biomedical scientist, Federal University of São Paulo

  • Mr. Jose Gregorio Diaz Mirabal

    Indigenous Leader and Former COICA Coordinator

  • President Juan Manuel Santos

    Former President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner

  • Mr. Luis Moreno

    President, Inter-American Development Bank

  • Dr. Luiz Davidovich

    President, Brazilian Academy of Sciences

  • Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo

    Chancellor, Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

  • Mrs. Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garcés

    Former President of the United Nations General Assembly, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Ecuador

  • Ms. Marina Helou

    Congresswoman, Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo

  • Dr. Ricardo Galvão

    Awarded Brazilian physicist and engineer

  • Mr. Roberto Waack

    Chairman of the Board of the Arapyaú Institute, co-founder of the initiative Uma Concertação pela Amazônia

  • Ambassador Rubens Ricupero

    Former Secretary General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

  • Mr. Sebastião Salgado

    Photographer and Co-Founder of Instituto Terra

  • Minister Valerie Garrido-Lowe

    Ministry of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, Government of Guyana

  • Thomas Lovejoy

    World-renowned Ecologist
    (In Memoriam)

SPA Science Steering Committee

The Science Steering Committee supports the overall scientific oversight of the Panel, including reviewing outputs, advising on science strategy, and nominating and approving the Co-Chairs. Members serve terms with a staggered rotation to ensure continuity.

  • Adalberto Val

    Senior Researcher, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)

  • Andrea Encalada

    Provost and Professor of Ecology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

  • Carlos Mena

    Professor, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

  • Dolors Armenteras

    Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

  • Dr. Fernando Roca

    Principal professor, Academic Director, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

  • Germán Poveda

    Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

  • Jon Paul Rodriguez

    Professor of Ecology, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC)

  • Jos Barlow

    Professor of Conservation Science, Lancaster University

  • Luciana Villa Nova

    Founder, Mangará Inovação e Sustentabilidade

  • Mariana Varese

    Director of Amazon Landscapes, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

  • Mercedes Bustamante

    Professor, University of Brasilia

  • Paulo Moutinho

    Senior Scientist, Amazon Environmental Research Institute - IPAM Amazonia

  • Scott Saleska

    Associate Professor, University of Arizona

  • Simone Athayde

    Research Integrity Lead, World Resources Institute - WRI

  • Susan E. Trumbore

    Professor, University of California

SPA Members

The Science Panel for the Amazon comprises over 300 scientists, 42% of whom are female-identifying, with 69% from the eight Amazonian countries and French Guiana, including Indigenous communities. The Panel members bring decades of expertise in diverse disciplines such as biology, geology, ecology, climatology, hydrology, anthropology, economics, and political science.

SPA Youth Advisory Committee

The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is an initiative aimed at integrating the voices, expertise, and energy of young scientists and leaders into the conservation and sustainable development efforts of the SPA. The YAC promotes SPA’s scientific and policy recommendations, fosters collaboration with youth organizations, and advances science communication representation and networking.

  • Alejandra Gonzales Rocabado


  • Anaïs Salabert

    French Guiana

  • Beka Munduruku


  • Carla Daniela Guevara Inga


  • Criseyda Román Córdova


  • Felipe Storch de Oliveira


  • Gustavo Nascimento


  • João Pedro Braga


  • Maryane Bento Trindade de Andrade


  • Meset Fernando Mashingashi Unkuch


  • Nohora Alejandra Quiguantar


  • Pedro Neves de Castro


  • Sorayadebie Jhagroe


SPA Technical-Scientific Secretariat

The Science Panel for the Amazon is supported by a Secretariat with offices in São Paulo, Brazil, and New York, USA. The Secretariat hires staff from all regions and countries and is dedicated to providing high-level support to the SPA.

  • Federico Viscarra

    Science Officer

  • Isabella Leite

    Senior Manager

  • Julia Arieira

    Technical-Scientific Secretariat

  • Julie Topf

    Program Manager

  • Diego O. Brandão

    Technical-Scientific Secretariat

  • Gabriela Arnal

    Communications Manager

  • Daniel Bernstein

    Special Assistant & Program Associate

  • Gabriel Sperandeo

    Administrative Assistant